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Want to know more about Sound Garden? Read on!

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How did Sound Garden come into existence?
Kayla Collingwood - a classical singer, educator, and creator - had noticed that there was a lack of direction and resources for newcomers to engage with classical music. During COVID lockdowns, she took the opportunity to complete a business certificate and set up Sound Garden!

Who is Sound Garden for?
Anyone with an interest in classical music! Maybe you heard a classical music work on TV/a game/a movie/etc. and liked it, maybe you've learned an instrument, maybe you've even been to a performance! Sound Garden is here to help you along on your learning and listening journey, no matter your age or level of experience.

What does Sound Garden offer?
Sound Garden offers digital download products, online courses, 1:1 guidance, classical music online resources, and other classical music content for all ages and experience levels. There are many plans for future projects!

What sets Sound Garden apart?
Sound Garden is in the business of inspiring people to listen to classical music! It is designed to be a hub for classical music learning, with content being underpinned by arts and education philosophies. There is no expectation to learn an instrument, learn to read music, or learn about Schenkerian analysis (yeah, it is as intense as it sounds) - though certainly those things are not discouraged! Sound Garden is not an outreach programme, and not a classroom.  It's great to team up with educational institutions, arts organisations, and classical music professionals, though, so if this is you, please reach out! 

I'm an artist/PR person/other interested in collaboration or a blog feature.
Wonderful - check out the Work With Us page!

I'm a(n) [insert job title/other role/etc. here] with an idea/project/request.
Great! I can work with you to create something specifically for you/your organisation, or develop resources, products, and services under the Sound Garden umbrella to address your needs. Send an email with your idea/need, and you'll receive information and a pricing quote (where relevant).

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